
Los Angeles

Anne Wehrley Björk, “Swimmer in the Sea (Baigneuse dans la Mere)”, 2024, Acrylic on canvas, 56 x 48 inches, 142.24 x 121.92 cm, AW0008


For the 2024 edition of NADA Miami, Fernberger will present works by Anne Wehrley Björk, Kiki Xuebing Wang, and Vicky Colombet. Björk’s abstract paintings, inspired by the light and landscapes of New Mexico, evoke the rugged forms of Chaco Canyon, where light and shadow play across the terrain. Wang’s translucent layers reflect the fragmented nature of reality, and Colombet’s ethereal compositions, influenced by Eastern philosophy and the natural world, evoke landscapes through a distinctive process of deconstructed painting.

Artist Bio(s)


Website: fernbergergallery.com

Email: [email protected]

Vicky Colombet, “Sunrise #1518” (Monet Series), 2023, Pigments, oil, alkyd on canvas (Cadmium Orange Medium, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cobalt Blue Matte, Ultramarine Blue Very Dark, Falke White TW), 48 x 46 inches, 121.92 x 116.84 cm, VC0009
Kiki Xuebing Wang, “Soft Blade”, 2024, Oil on linen, 78¾ x 47¼ inches, 200 x 120 cm, KX0000
