Image of artwork titled "Cosmic Labourer" by Avijit Dutta

Avijit Dutta, Cosmic Labourer, 2024
Acrylic, pen and iron dust on paper
59 × 35.75 inches

Avijit Dutta explores the cultural relevance of the ‘thonga,’ a small handmade paper bag. Highlighting this everyday object, the artist draws attention to the plight of the common man. A means of collecting monthly rations, the bag suggest a relentless pursuit of basic survival, and reinforces a sense of being trapped in monotonous lives. Figures are shown crawling in and out of bags, suggesting refuge and confinement. In his works the bag covers the face, anonymising the populous. Yet, the fact remains that these so called faceless, ‘inconsequential masses’ comprise the world’s largest democracy, and their collective voice recently changed the country’s political future. Given the 2024 US election, this series is sure to resonate.



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