Image of artwork titled "Algea" by Felix Beaudry
Image of artwork titled "Algea" by Felix Beaudry
Image of artwork titled "Algea" by Felix Beaudry

Felix Beaudry, Algea, 2024
Machine knit fabric
42 × 28 × 10 inches

Felix Beaudry programs an industrial knitting machine to create textile-based sculpture and wall hangings. Drawing upon personal experience, bodily transitions, desire, and gender, Beaudry experiments with the concepts of clothing and nudity. Apparel changes the physical experience in daily life and also acts as an extension of persona. Beaudry’s fiber works reflect the space between skin and world. Imagery is programmed and then fed into a Stoll knitting machine. Part of the process entails Beaudry pushing the limits of the machine’s and the technology’s capabilities, similar to the way one can push the boundaries of the body.



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