Image of artwork titled "Composition 4 " by Pallav Chander

Pallav Chander, Composition 4 , 2022
Acrylic on board
18 × 24 inches


In India, mental health challenges are only now being accepted. Though Pallav Chander, who is diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD, may not be the first to be channel his diagnosis into bold perspectives on a canvas, he is undoubtedly an exception within the Indian context of being transparent about his conditions. Pallav’s ‘scratch’ series of abstract works comes from a place of deep introspection and personal challenge. Conceived of during a critical period of his life, Chander discovered one of the ways for him to manage was to create paintings using repeated, regular strokes. This simple action had a meditative and therapeutic effect, allowing him to express his hyperactivity and anxieties in visual terms. The fact that he was willing to engage directly with his condition has allowed him to forge a path in a creative direction.



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