Image of artwork titled "Big Birth" by Clarity Haynes
Image of artwork titled "Big Birth" by Clarity Haynes

Clarity Haynes, Big Birth, 2022
Oil on linen
70.5 × 60 × 1.5 inches

This painting is part of the artist’s series focusing on crowning and birth. These works also examine the writings of Julia Kristeva on the abject maternal body, and how the abject is closely aligned with the sacred.

About this series, Haynes says: ”I want the scale of my crowning paintings to be both very small, and larger-than-life—so that the viewer beholds the event of crowning as gemlike, sexy, precious, powerful, enveloping, disturbing, beautiful and confrontational.” Haynes’s oeuvre of non-traditional portraiture never relies on the face. The artist’s work frequently explores themes of healing, trauma and self-determination.



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