Image of artwork titled "Thoo thope meikiwe hii hi hami (Tree with vines)" by Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe

Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe, Thoo thope meikiwe hii hi hami (Tree with vines), 2023
Acrylic on cotton paper
11.61 × 15.55 inches

Although “Thoo thope meikiwe hii hi hami” seems to simply represent a tree with vines of different colors, the work evokes a more complex universe that includes ancestral medicinal knowledge, the diverse uses of plants, the mythological presence of animals, and ideas about the territory. Hakihiiwe’s work invites us to reflect on other possibilities of relating to the environment; to assume ourselves as part of that unique whole and to become aware of our impact in the defense and preservation of life on Earth.



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