Image of artwork titled "Yira yira" by Alina  Perkins
Image of artwork titled "Yira yira" by Alina  Perkins
Image of artwork titled "Yira yira" by Alina  Perkins

Alina Perkins, Yira yira, 2023
Oil on canvas
16 × 20 inches

Featuring a pair of white tango shoes, Yira Yira, takes its name from a famous
Argentinian tango song written by
Enrique Santos Discépolo in 1929. The
well-known quip, “It takes two to tango”,
can easily be applied to the play, Waiting
for Godot, in which the dialogue carries
the narrative, which is more existential
than action or plot driven. Perkins was
interested in transforming such male-
coded source material into a work that
reads as traditionally feminine.



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