Image of artwork titled "Didi à Gogo" by Alina Perkins
Image of artwork titled "Didi à Gogo" by Alina Perkins
Image of artwork titled "Didi à Gogo" by Alina Perkins

Alina Perkins, Didi à Gogo, 2022
Oil on canvas
72 × 60 inches

Didi à Gogo is Perkins’s homage to Samuel Beckett’s iconic play, Waiting for Godot.

The title of the painting takes its name from the Beckett’s two protagonists, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo). Perkins has supplanted the tree in the play’s famously vacant setting with a blank or otherwise illegible signpost. Figures seem to lurk in the background of the composition, while a well described soccer ball lingers in the foreground, as though waiting for players to emerge.



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