NADA Curated by Itzel Vargas Plata

Image of artwork titled "Warm Acid Bath" by Ana Vizcarra Rankin
Image of artwork titled "Warm Acid Bath" by Ana Vizcarra Rankin

Ana Vizcarra Rankin, Warm Acid Bath, 2015
mixed media on cotton canvas
96 × 96 × 0.25 inches

Born in Uruguay and raised in both South and North America, Ana Vizcarra Rankin makes research-based and perceptual art about mapping, data visualization and our sense of being in and of the universe. Rankin’s work uses the inverted map and subjective interpretations of the night sky to encompass a myriad of meanings. Her layered, scumbled paintings touch upon questions of heritage, environmentalism, and political intervention. They are simultaneously universal in scope and profoundly personal.

"Warm Acid Bath" chronicles the sea surface temperature shifts that occurred in 2015 when the Exon Mobile oil spill caused a massive dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Fukushima meltdown created a warm water plume that reached the South American west coast. Subsequently we have seen much greater temperature increases.



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