NADA Curated by Itzel Vargas Plata

Image of artwork titled "The Embodiment of Injustice" by Ann Lewis

Ann Lewis, The Embodiment of Injustice, 2022
waxed canvas, metal
18 × 18 × 1 inches

Ann Lewis is a multidisciplinary activist artist using painting, installation, social practice, and participatory performance to explore themes related to justice and bodily autonomy. Her work speculates on a future bereft of sexual violence through communal healing sessions, the embodied contemplation of definitive autonomy, and prevention strategies.

"The Embodiment of Injustice" showcases the statistic that only one in forty two perpetrators of reported sexual violence in the US will be charged in with a crime. This number does not include the vast amount of assaults that go unreported. The missing section was removed through a process of repeated folding and creasing actions. Using repetition as a means to soothe, the artist questions who has the right to deem an action a crime, and the patriarchal systems which state justice is delivered when a perpetrator’s life is irrevocably ruined by incarceration. What would a future centered on restorative justice look like for the healing journeys of survivors?



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