CUE Art Foundation

New York

Ling-lin Ku, Invisiphilia, 2024. Plywood, pink foam, SLA resin 3D prints, paint; 62 x 51 x 8.5 inches.


CUE, a non-profit that supports emerging artists, presents work by Ling-lin Ku following her recent solo show, Insight Outsight. A new digitally fabricated sculpture, Invisiphilia, playfully interrogates the disorienting experience of navigating digital space. A swarm of pill-shaped bugs engraved with 404 sits atop a melting puddle, approaching a vortex. The layers evoke imaginary webpages, and also resemble flora found in nature. Ku leverages this gathering space to ask: Where are we in our search between desires/answers? How do we render ourselves visible/invisible in new digital landscapes?

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