Image of artwork titled "P.S. (58,080 px)" by Chingsum Jessye Luk
Image of artwork titled "P.S. (58,080 px)" by Chingsum Jessye Luk
Image of artwork titled "P.S. (58,080 px)" by Chingsum Jessye Luk

Chingsum Jessye Luk, P.S. (58,080 px), 2023
India ink on paper. Polyptych
37.8 × 25.2 inches

Polyptych composed of seven (7) drawings on paper, 24 x 32 cm each.

Deconstructed slogans from the protest movement in Hong Kong. The artist has transcribed the binary code of a photo of censored slogans written on paper. Thus the piece consists of only 1 & 0’s - or vertical strokes and circles. The written slogan and the photo were destroyed once the work was finished, as well as the digital file of the binary code.

The work is part of the “Potentially Seditious” project, where Chingsum Jessye Luk makes a deliberate effort to render text illegible, as the only way to express certain ideas is to hide and censor them.

After Hong Kong’s national security law was passed in 2020, certain slogans or words could be considered seditious and people who display or utter them in public could be arrested and prosecuted as a threat to national security.



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