Image of artwork titled "Haze" by Hannah Woo
Image of artwork titled "Haze" by Hannah Woo
Image of artwork titled "Haze" by Hannah Woo

Hannah Woo, Haze, 2023
53.1 × 43.7 inches

Hannah Woo’s two-dimensional fabric pieces are mostly motivated by a desire to nurture and heal herself. Based on drawings, this series of work is the result of translating the act of drawing into fabric, the artist’s primary material, as a means of digesting her own emotions.

In the case of “Haze,” Hannah Woo depicts a theme that she focuses on through her sculptural work: her own ideal world. In this composition, this world is not yet fully formed. Various living things with no sense of hierarchy or even any sense of being are harmoniously and effortlessly intermingling with each other, in the process of creating a new world that has not yet arrived. The beings themselves are yet to be defined into certain creatures, may that be a flower or a butterfly, but are full of potential and possibility. Woo sees beauty in this state of obscurity, this Haze, and through the whirling curves of fabric she expresses a sense of alluring ambiguity.



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