Image of artwork titled "Summer Grass" by Tenzin Phuntsog
Image of artwork titled "Summer Grass" by Tenzin Phuntsog
Image of artwork titled "Summer Grass" by Tenzin Phuntsog

Tenzin Phuntsog, Summer Grass, 2022
Video and custom electronics in antique jade box
1.5 × 3 × 4.5 inches
Edition of 3 + 1AP

In a new series of sculptural works, videos contained within small, brass and jade containers — inspired by Tibetan Gau prayer boxes — play scenes from everyday life as shared on the social media app WeChat among the artist’s relatives in Tibet and those in the US, allowing a mediated access to the autonomous region. Footage of a heartfelt message sent to his mother by her sister play on loop within this “portable memory box.” The series was prompted by the 2020 US ban of WeChat, which effectively prevented the artist and his family from communicating with their relatives during that time and until the app’s reinstatement in August of 2021.



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