Image of artwork titled "Flowers for Immigration, Eva" by Lizania  Cruz

Lizania Cruz, Flowers for Immigration, Eva, 2016
Triptych photograph C-Print
24 × 16 inches

Eva, a native of Puebla who crossed “El Cerro” 20 years ago and never has gone back. Her daughter named after the Anahi flower, it’s sixteen-year-old born in the US to undocumented parent. On Sundays Anahi also sells flowers with her mother. When I asked her Anahi, what she thought about Donald Trump she said “Nada!” (nothing)

While making the arrangement Eva mentioned how the rich wouldn’t understand the poor. “El está en su torre y no tiene que mirar para abajo!” (He is in his towers, and he doesn’t need to look down!)

Eva combined two arrangements she had already made including goldenrod, margaritas, mums, daisies, limonium and roses. She said, “Mientras más grande mejor, para que sepa que nuestras intenciones” (The bigger, the better, so he knows our intentions are big).



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