Image of artwork titled "Crazy Times" by Sarah Benslimane
Image of artwork titled "Crazy Times" by Sarah Benslimane

Sarah Benslimane, Crazy Times, 2023
Wood, canvas, fabric, dice, screws, beads, fake ivy, mosaic, plastic pig
16 × 11.7 × 2.7 inches

Benslimane’s work mainly involves gathering everyday objects, detached from their conventional contexts that she reconfigures according to a pre-established logic, even if it remains somewhat oblique. Every element in her eerie compositions has been carefully picked and reintroduced into a new grammar or, perhaps more accurately, new programming. Nails, beads, tiles, and whatever cheap shiny stuff she finds in Bric-à-Brac and hardware shops are eligible as raw matter. What seems to interest her the most is precisely this clash of textures; this explains the seductive presence of her works.



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