Image of artwork titled "Alt(e)r III" by Cameron Downey

Cameron Downey, Alt(e)r III, 2022
plush items, dining chairs, plastic, aluminum, LED lamp, concrete, resin
96 × 24 × 24 inches

“Alt(e)r III (2022) stands as an assemblage of gravitationally opposing dining room chairs stacked one atop another, adorned and obscured by soft toys and celebratory markings. While Alt(e)r III’s immediacy is tender, the work operated as a plushly coated relic of mourning– dilapidated balloons and gift bows jaunt at its sides. Alt(e)r III operates as a convocation of remembrance based literally on the makeshift monuments that manifest for those who’ve passed in transit or by inopportune/improper means. The memorials on which this sculpture is based exist almost always on ‘public’ land: roadways, highways and boulevards. For whom they stand and by whom they’re rejuvenated — often with provisional and site-specific ornaments — often remains unclear. And yet, with special impunity, they live and live long.” — Cameron Patricia Downey



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