Image of artwork titled "C" by Nadia Haji Omar
Image of artwork titled "C" by Nadia Haji Omar

Nadia Haji Omar, C, 2022
Acrylic, watercolor, graphite, tiger eye, black tourmaline, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, and ethopian opal on panel
16 × 20 inches

Nadia Haji Omar’s intricate paintings on panel include small stone and crystal attachments. She is interested in the small sculptural attachments for their relief quality as well as the naturally-occurring patterns and colors within them, which relate to the patterns and marks she creates herself by hand. The imagery in the painting above is inspired by views of vitamins seen under a microscope.

Haji Omar received a MFA from the School of Visual Arts in 2014 and a BA from Bard College. Her works have been discussed in New York Magazine/Vulture, and Hyperallergic, among other publications, and are included in the collections of the RISD Museum, Providence, RI, and the Hallmark Art Collection, Kansas City, MO, among others.



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