On view in Monterrey, Mexico


For this edition of NADA 2020, PEANA is pleased to present the work of Tomás Díaz Cedeño, ASMA, SANGREE, and Ana Montiel. As a whole, the works of these artists provide us with a unique understanding of the ways in which we relate to fundamental subjects such as nature, history and consciousness.

With an acute sensibility for the materials employed, and often resorting to unconventional mixtures, the works of ASMA and Tomás Díaz Cedeño make use of organic forms and motifs drawn from nature to evoke mystical, mythological, and often bizarre qualities in objects that fluctuate between abstraction and figuration. Moreover, SANGREE’s work is distinguished by a rich visual language that has allowed them to navigate the multiple layers of art history, presenting temporarily hybrid objects informed by a multiplicity of fragments that indiscriminately bring together symbols of popular culture, pre-modern geometries, and everyday objects. Finally, Ana Montiel's pictorial practice is guided by an exploration of the limits of human experience, questioning how solid our perception is by resorting to elusive chromatic fields that call for prolonged contemplation.



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