
On view in New York, NY

Installation View, Chris Bogia and Carolyn Salas


For NADA Miami 2020, Mrs. will share Kate Werble’s new uptown location for a collaborative experience with work by Luke Stettner. Mrs. will present new watercolor works by Chris Bogia, table top sculptures by Carolyn Salas and paintings by Soyeon Shin. The back gallery of Mrs. will also be utilized as an in-person exhibition of this joint effort.

Chris Bogia’s colorful symmetric new series of fountain drawings exist in the perpetually nocturnal world he began exploring during the early months of Covid19 crises. “There was something soothing about repeatedly depicting a universal public symbol that expanded my often domestic/decorative formal thinking into the ‘decorative civic.’ Fountains are like decorative art objects for urban spaces that feel so uncontroversial and universally appreciated.”

Carolyn Salas’ new intimate sculptures begin at her kitchen table in the midst of everyday life. Before translating her works into flat white steel finished work, Salas first constructs paper models, cutting with scissors and adhering with glue, reshaping and configuring repeatedly. Suggesting a more complicated and contemporary dialogue derived from art-historical cornerstones, these new sculptures seem to simultaneously engage conflicting expectations of womanhood and presenting feminine identity as a balancing act: precarious and full of contrasting possibilities.

Soyeon Shin invites us into her neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, painting cityscapes, inspired by urban nature and the animals that inhabit it. Familiar, illustrative and flat, her brightly colored canvases depict the banality of the city, while quietly showing us another dimension of time. She constructs a world of brick buildings, empty lots and sidewalks.



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Installation View, Soyeon Shin
Installation View, (left) Carolyn Salas, "TBT," 2020, right, works by Luke Stettner, presented by Kate Werble Gallery
Installation View, Soyeon Shin, "Emerson Place II," 2020, Acrylic on Canvas, 24 x 20 inches, 61 x 50.8 cm
Installation View, Chris Bogia, Carolyn Salas, presented by Mrs. and Luke Stettner, presented by Kate Werble Gallery
