Assembly Room

New York


Assembly Room is excited to present painter Bianca Nemelc. Born and raised in New York City, Nemelc celebrates her body, the mystery of being a woman, and the uniqueness of brown and black bodies. Each colorful, bold, abstract painting exposes different attributes—mysterious, alluring, voluptuous, complicated—of being a woman. “Being this person of color,” says the artist, “painting Brown and Black bodies—not for anybody else—but for Black and Brown people needing to see what healing could look like in this idealistic world where you can float in the water and there is not a care in the world.” Like Maya Angelou's renowned poem “Phenomenal Women” (1978) these paintings are Nemelc's anthem about her pride in being a woman of color. They reclaim, recover, and make space for brown and black bodies within painting and visual art. A strong advocate of owning the representation of our bodies in art, politics and culture, Bianca Nemelc's paintings are a call to action for people of color to reimagine and change the visual landscapes they move through.



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