Nir Altman

On view in Glasgow, United Kingdom

Installation view


littlewhitehead, Craig Little (b.1980 Glasgow) and Blake Whitehead (b.1985 Lanark), make installations composed of handmade work. They begin by creating versions of things that already exist, though this is never replication, but rather the process of taking a borrowed form to the point where it becomes derelict or devoid of function. By making various subverted objects simultaneously, they look to find connections between things that enable them to recombine the recognisable in unexpected and more meaningful ways. These sculpture are the palette from which they compose spaces: multi-layered landscapes that hint at ambiguous moments beyond technology.



Email: [email protected]

littlewhitehead, "Autumn Sulcus," 2020
littlewhitehead, "Evening Poem," 2020
littlewhitehead, "Hesitant Machine," 2020
Installation view
