On view in Sydney, Australia

Installation view of Chris Dolman. Courtesy of the artist and Lefebvre & Fils. Photo credit: Brett East.


Lefebvre & Fils Gallery is pleased to announce its participation to a reimagined format of NADA Miami online through a newly-designed digital platform by presenting the latest ceramics and paintings by the Canadian born artist Chris Dolman.

“I constantly think about death and dying,
And these days I don’t sleep so well.

When I get up,
I make a black coffee and go back to bed to read news headlines on my laptop. Maybe I’ll read one article if something really piques my interest,
but mostly I just skim until my lap gets hot.

Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of alt country, and drinking cans of beer after being in the studio all day. I like how songwriters like David Berman and John Prine sing about loss with a self-deprecating humour.

If I wrote a country song, I’d talk about a recent tooth extraction, and how my tongue now constantly fondles the gummy hole where the tooth used to be, like a lonely lover haunting the site of an ex who has passed on.

Since I can’t play guitar or sing, I make ceramic objects and oil paintings to talk about things that are not easily communicated. Themes of loss, loneliness, anxiety and failure are juxtaposed with awkward and incongruent humour.

Within the work exists a kind of layering, somewhere between an exegesis of our social, cultural and economic systems, and a deeper ontology of the places and times in which we live and the vulnerability of these things.”

Chris Dolman
Sydney, 2020


Website: lefebvreetfils.fr

Email: [email protected]

Installation view of Chris Dolman. Courtesy of the artist and Lefebvre & Fils. Photo credit: Brett East.
Installation view of Chris Dolman. Courtesy of the artist and Lefebvre & Fils. Photo credit: Brett East.
Installation view of Chris Dolman. Courtesy of the artist and Lefebvre & Fils. Photo credit: Brett East.
Installation view of Chris Dolman. Courtesy of the artist and Lefebvre & Fils. Photo credit: Brett East.
