Image of artwork titled "Pixelated Slaps to the Heart (Remnants of Ghosts in the Meat Machine) #2" by Ani Liu
Image of artwork titled "Pixelated Slaps to the Heart (Remnants of Ghosts in the Meat Machine) #2" by Ani Liu
Image of artwork titled "Pixelated Slaps to the Heart (Remnants of Ghosts in the Meat Machine) #2" by Ani Liu

Ani Liu, Pixelated Slaps to the Heart (Remnants of Ghosts in the Meat Machine) #2, 2020
Welded oxidized steel with a Glass vitrine 23 1/2 x 11 3/4 x 16 in (60 x 30 x 40 cm), Tank Volume: 17.1GL (64.7L) Glass Thickness: 6mm Crystal Clear Low Iron Glass >91 Percent Transparency, silicone, fluorescent light, food grade mineral oil, usb cords, power strip, zip ties, 3d printed copper, selfie ring, cellular phone tripod with bendable arm, mirror 152.4cm x 74cm x 54cm
65 × 29 × 21 inches
3+1AP & 1EP

The selfie light has a dimmer with a warm and cool option. The work is documented with the 'cool' tone.



Email: [email protected]