NADA Curated by Itzel Vargas Plata

Image of artwork titled "American Imperialism is..." by Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa
Image of artwork titled "American Imperialism is..." by Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa
Image of artwork titled "American Imperialism is..." by Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa

Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa, American Imperialism is..., 2019
Collage and acrylic on paper marouflé on canvas
51.2 × 77.6 inches

Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa’s work explores the symbols and processes of a system that supports the dangerous impact of global warming, rapid economic inequality, and the rise of political radicalism. The power and tyranny of control whip into shape anything unsubordinated. But small white flowers, gentle and fragile as they might make themselves appear at first, will always sprout where one least expects it, even in the face of mighty tigers, here standing in as symbols of imperialism.



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