NADA Curated by Fitsum Shebeshe

Image of artwork titled "More Than One Gold" by Hannah Murgatroyd
Image of artwork titled "More Than One Gold" by Hannah Murgatroyd
Image of artwork titled "More Than One Gold" by Hannah Murgatroyd

Hannah Murgatroyd, More Than One Gold, 2024
Oil on linen
59 × 47 × 2 inches


"Our bodies have been painted from palettes held up against our faces for years as we sat still, being studied. Yet we paint from our own bodies, and our body is the palette, for it is life we paint with. When I carried my child, I felt my genetics change. Her history is part of my cellular history now, and the white embellished rags come from Danish embroidery, from her grandmother, who was my daughter’s age when the Germans invaded. Tinkling bells, a mediaeval birthing girdle and Iceni coins coming from Boudicca’s reign, from my island history, from the stories of women who’d face down death for their children, for there is more than one gold to riches."



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