NADA Curated by Daonne Huff

Image of artwork titled "Hijo (The 100)" by Julia Hickey Mijangos

Julia Hickey Mijangos, Hijo (The 100), 2022
Flashe, fabric, paper on canvas
18 × 14 × 0.75 inches

Julia Hickey Mijangos is a visual artist residing in New York City. She uses painting, fabric, and installation to create multilayered, dream-like images exploring modes of desire, dissonance, fusion, and reverie.

For Mijangos, collage is libidinal–the hand cuts, rips, places, wets, and puts what the heart wants. Two or three or many things are forced, slipped, and fused onto the same. While Mijangos’s collages are meant to later translate into paintings, for her they are also completed works.

“The placement process reveals my anxiety, my lust, my predilections, and my feeling of never belonging in one place but maybe two or three or none. As long as the light is nice, I might stay awhile. If the color and the scents are rich or if it makes me sweat, I will dream of visiting again. Collage is the play I never allowed myself to do as a child, when I was afraid of joy” states Mijangos.

