December 6, 2019, 12pm
The Rise of New Gallery Business Models, Perspectives From Around the Globe
Ice Palace Studios
1400 North Miami Avenue
Syntax gallery at Cube.Moscow

Syntax gallery at Cube.Moscow

With the increase of gallery collaborations and gallery-run international exchanges, this conversation looks at how small and mid-size galleries adapt to embrace hybrid business models that are sustainable and create new opportunities.

Participants include Elena Belonogova (Cube.Moscow, Moscow), John Riepenhoff (The Green Gallery, Milwaukee), Jeffrey Rosen (Misako & Rosen, Tokyo), Chris Sharp (Lulu, Mexico City), Stefan Benchoam (Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatemala City); and will be moderated by Anna Evtiugina (iPureland, New York).
Presented with Cube.Moscow

Cube.Moscow operates as an innovative platform for the collaboration of galleries, artists, curators and other professionals in the field of art. It brings together progressive galleries to share space, resources, and ideas to promote contemporary art in Russia and globally. Each year invited curators and gallery residents organize 20+ exhibitions. Inspired by the power of cross-cultural exchange and its mentor, world-renowned collector Uli Sigg, Cube.Moscow strives for connecting the Russian and international art communities. In 2019, it has launched a special grant program, which supports participation of the resident galleries in high-quality international art fairs. The first of its kind initiative in Russia, is conducted in partnership with iPureland, the New York-based curatorial, producing and creative collaborations agency.