Image of artwork titled "Stripe(50Hz)   2018/03/11 14:46:18   Shibuya­-ku" by Hideo Anze
Image of artwork titled "Stripe(50Hz)   2018/03/11 14:46:18   Shibuya­-ku" by Hideo Anze

Hideo Anze, Stripe(50Hz) 2018/03/11 14:46:18 Shibuya­-ku, 2014
digital type c print (frontier)
11.7 × 8.3 inches
Edition 3/5

The “Stripe (50Hz)” is an iPhone abstraction dominated by perfectly machined verticals of various sizes and widths. Created via combinations of flickered light refraction (at a specific frequency used after the Fukushima accident) and specific color, the images mix hard-edged geometries with softer flares and blurs. Each image is accompanied by a dense compendium of data, including technical information (in both English and Japanese), news headlines from its moment of creation, and GPS information of its exact location, adding a layer of unwieldy context/memory to an otherwise sleek package.

* The British Museum has acquired five works from the series, including this piece, as part of their permanent collection



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