Image of artwork titled "“VanGogh-self-portrait-with_bandaged_ear.jpg” from the series “RGB”" by Hideo  Anze
Image of artwork titled "“VanGogh-self-portrait-with_bandaged_ear.jpg” from the series “RGB”" by Hideo  Anze

Hideo Anze, “VanGogh-self-portrait-with_bandaged_ear.jpg” from the series “RGB”, 2022
acrylic on canvas
23.6 × 19.3 × 1.8 inches

The series “RGB” is inspired by William Henry Fox Talbot, the inventor of calotype photography, who called his technique “photogenic drawing (=drawing with light)” rather than photography.

The artist obtains images of masterpiece paintings from the internet and paints the histogram of the downloaded image on a canvas in the same dimension as the so-called masterpiece. This time, the presentation will feature nine self-portraits by Vincent van Gogh.

Downloaded from Wikipedia, Anze paints the image histograms of the self-portraits on a canvas of the exact dimensions as the “original” paintings to ask a simple question: What is contemporary photography?



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