Swivel Gallery

New York

“Julius Told Us To Learn The Real Lessons Outside The Classroom. He Was Right And Sh*t’s Been Real Ever Since” 2021 Wood Panel, Rope, Paper, Cotton, I-Type Polaroid Film, Ink, Marker, Acrylic, Spray Paint, Pumice Stone, Copper 36”H x 24”W


Swivel Gallery is pleased to present “From Your Lips, To God’s Ears”; a solo debut by multidimensional artist Walter Cruz. The exhibition brings together in full tilt; a suite of Cruz’s seminal media laden paintings and sculptures which have been in development over the course of the last years. Entering the booth feels like battle, as the viewer grapples with a myriad of materials, imagery, and techniques that all seem to merge together in an instant. Their simultaneous effort and ease makes it feel as if Cruz doesn’t make them, but literally wills them into existence. The artist’s fascinatio

Artist Bio(s)


Website: www.swivelgallery.com

Email: [email protected]
