Image of artwork titled "Ten Decisions" by Se Yoon Park
Image of artwork titled "Ten Decisions" by Se Yoon Park
Image of artwork titled "Ten Decisions" by Se Yoon Park

Se Yoon Park, Ten Decisions, 2022
black-brown tar, polyamide, polyester resin, poly epoxy resin, steel, brass, plywood
96 × 18 × 16 inches

Korean artist Se Yoon Park’s complex geometries take cues from the structure and abstract values of trees – as organisms that respond most delicately to light, while simultaneously developing in darkness – to build a personal iconographic lexicon. To actualize a tree’s essence, Park extracts formal elements such as the cursive line, divided mass, and fractal expansion, from the tree’s complexity and proliferation of form. These geometries are distilled, emphasized in themselves, and reconstructed as a series of abstract geometrical units, lending physical form to the artist’s meditations on self-growth and cycles of life – all undulating in real space.



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