Image of artwork titled "Ex Libris Familia 09 (Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers, 1941)" by Samuel  T Adams
Image of artwork titled "Ex Libris Familia 09 (Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers, 1941)" by Samuel  T Adams

Samuel T Adams, Ex Libris Familia 09 (Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers, 1941), 2022
Book, acrylic medium, pva
8 × 5 × 1 inches

Each of these sculptures (a book) is first methodically glued together, page by page, to create a brick of sorts, then hand carved, almost exclusively with an Exacto knife. As revealed in the parenthetical titles, the title and release date of the carved book, these are antiquated editions about collecting rare objects made by marginalized peoples, or objects made by colonial craftspeople, all written by white people, for white people. Adams both confronts his family’s questionable entitled histories, and at the same time resurrects the dated musings into elegant bone-like totems, the artist’s first foray into sculpture.



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