Image of artwork titled "Cometa" by Eamon Ore-Giron

Eamon Ore-Giron, Cometa, 2022
Copper and neon
62 × 24 inches
Edition of 8

Cometa is derived from a body of work Ore-Giron made in 2015 while living in Guadalajara, Mexico, based on the Aztec Pantheon and South American mythology deities. The circle represents the serpent head of the mother goddess, with her eyes, mouth, and tongue. During this time in Guadalajara, Ore-Giron was creating embellished copper pieces to attach to buildings, so he recently experimented further with this idea by combining copper with neon. The neon is more of a blacklight, and seeing the piece at night is almost like treating it as a negative space. The lower portion of the work represents plumes or tassels.
Eamon Ore-Giron is a visual artist and 2001 San Francisco Artadia Awardee.

Ore-Giron will generously donate 100% of sale proceeds to the Artadia Awards program.



Email: [email protected]