Gern en Regalia

New York

Guardian Angel School, “Valerie,” 2021, 1930s silk, lace and mesh. Cotton stuffing, boning, vinyl, ribbon, glass beads, metal rings, tubing and wire, 42 x 13 inches


Gern en regalia is excited to present new works by artists Justin Chance, Hunter Foster and Guardian Angel School (a collaboration between Brandon Morris and Stephanie Blackburn.)

Gern en regalia is an artist-project space in New York. Gern en regalia is committed to experimentalism, collaboration, and supporting emerging artists.

Recent exhibitions include: 'A Mirror to Forget,' with work by Jessica Butler and Isabella Kressin, 'S's Whistle,' with work by Bryan Morello, 'Better,' a two-person exhibition with work by Justin Chance and Hunter Foster, and more.

Artist Bio(s)



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