August 19, 2020, 1pm
Members in Conversation: Upstate Art Weekend
Members in Conversation: Upstate Art Weekend
You’re invited to join NADA and Stoneleaf Retreat on Wednesday, August 19th at 1pm EST for a conversation with NADA Gallery Members Kelsey Sloane (Art Omi), Jayne Drost Johnson (JDJ), and NADA Individual Member Candice Madey (River Valley Arts) for a preview of their exhibitions in Upstate Art Weekend, a new initiative celebrating creative spaces in the Hudson Valley.
Art Omi presents a solo exhibition by Howardena Pindell; JDJ | The Ice House will feature handmade paper objects by Noel W. Anderson; the site specific installation “Mother Alter” by Chie Fueki is on view at Mother Gallery; and Stoneleaf Retreat will showcase work by Keisha Scarville, Sonia Louise Davis, Rebecca Reeve, and the Female Design Council.