NADA Curated: Reduction to Satire (Reductio ad Satura)

Image of artwork titled "Possession " by Aideen Barry
Image of artwork titled "Possession " by Aideen Barry
Image of artwork titled "Possession " by Aideen Barry

Aideen Barry, Possession , 2011
Performative Film
1/10 plus 2 AP (4 of this edition available)

The work Possession was conceived in 2011 following the massive economic collapse that engulfed Ireland. Suddenly that word, Possession, seems to be such a heavy loaded word. People were suddenly “possessed” by abject horror at the state of our economic and social reality, houses were becoming re-possessed by vulture funds and people were finding themselves living in half finished mass housing estates all over the country suddenly in negative equity. The words “ghost-estates” were banded about as a way to describe how the mass housing boom had really not been considered with over a quarter a million houses in various states of build now facing the reality that they would never be lived in.



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