NADA Curated by Itzel Vargas Plata

Image of artwork titled "Untitled(Strawberry Flavor)" by Youki Hirakawa

Youki Hirakawa, Untitled(Strawberry Flavor), 2023
Strawberry-flavored chewing gum and Oil on Cloth
33 × 25 inches

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Youki Hirakawa was known for his monochrome video work and serene installations. Throughout the pandemic and quarantine, Hirakawa began to create installation works with various ready-made and found objects.

“Untitled (Strawberry Flavor)” is a response to the Asian-Hate racism that happened after the Covid-19 pandemic. Strawberry-flavored chewing gum and oil have been smeared on Hirakawa’s jacket while walking downtown at night. “This is the actual polarized world after the Covid pandemic; my sadness and anger stay inside this jacket until the chewing gum loses its strawberry flavor” states Hirakawa.



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