NADA Curated by Catherine Taft

Image of artwork titled "Stone Ghost; Rejuvenation Spring near the beach; Atlantic Side of North America; E00178" by Lee Hunter
Image of artwork titled "Stone Ghost; Rejuvenation Spring near the beach; Atlantic Side of North America; E00178" by Lee Hunter

Lee Hunter, Stone Ghost; Rejuvenation Spring near the beach; Atlantic Side of North America; E00178, 2021
Alabaster, sandstone, volcanic rock, fossil, and wood,
9.5 × 17 × 11 inches

This stone sculpture by Lee Hunter is part of an ongoing project called Cosmogenesis, a world-building project set in the near future. Cosmogenesis is told from the perspective of an archivist sorting through the ephemera and material culture of legendary twenty-first century Transdimensional Travel Groups (TTGs). The archive is comprised of photographs, videos, sculptures, and found objects, each part of coded systems that reveal secret methods of travel through parallel universes. The final form of Cosmogenesis will be an encyclopedic coffee table book, documenting the research, writing, exhibitions, and programming associated with the various iterations of this durational project.

For Hunter, this project is a way to explore possible worlds and ways of being; navigating a space between religion and belief, while remaining committed to an intersectional, trans-feminist future. Hunter’s work relies on aesthetics of beauty, with aspects of the uncanny or eerily familiar. Thematically, this project touches on nature, belief, ritual, cosmology, and time.

Presented by MOTHER Gallery, Beacon.



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