NADA Curated by Itzel Vargas Plata

Image of artwork titled "Reverse" by Ariamna Contino & Alex Hernández Dueñas
Image of artwork titled "Reverse" by Ariamna Contino & Alex Hernández Dueñas
Image of artwork titled "Reverse" by Ariamna Contino & Alex Hernández Dueñas

Ariamna Contino & Alex Hernández Dueñas, Reverse, 2023
salt water, reverse osmosis mechanism, handmade activated carbon and resin filters, and ice maker

Advocating for environmental ethics, the Cuban artistic team Ariamna Contino and Alex Hernández-Dueñas examine the impact of water (and its lack) on society and geopolitics. Their Militancy Aesthetic series, reflecting global conflicts over natural resources, includes maps of extraction projects in the Arctic and Antarctic. The images and texts of Laboratory Documentation concern a sculpture the pair modeled after Havana’s Malecón seawall. Waves breached the wall and covered the sculpture with salt residue, recalling floods that occasionally infiltrate the city’s cisterns. Reverse is a water filtration system that desalinates seawater and symbolically inverts climate change by returning the water to a frozen state.



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